Take Chances to find your Passion!

I have always known that it was my destiny to be a helper of some sort, I just never knew how or what I was passionate about. Growing up I was always a nurturer and very dependable. I did a lot of volunteer work. Then when I went to college and ended up studying sociology. I worked with disadvantaged youth and then the intellectually disabled, but I knew I was not that happy in those fields. There was no passion, it was just a job.

What did bring me happiness though, was socializing with and helping women. But I did not know how I was going to be able to live my life socializing and helping women. So I was lost, I guess you can say. Lost and miserable working jobs I didn’t want to be working (still am working a job, but I am also working on being in a position to live my passion; keep reading though).

I have two friends who always tell everyone that I helped them with overcoming their fear and stigma with sex (they were freshmen in college and still virgins; however, not long after meeting me, they were not longer virgins. They give me the honor of being the blame for that lol). Not that I was some sex guru or anything, because I was not, I just read a lot and worked through some of those same fears and stigmas before meeting them. I didn’t have help or anyone I could talk to, so I wanted to make sure they did. Nevertheless, I was nicknamed the freaky one in my circle of friends. I didn’t think I did anything that was too freaky, it was just that I was more open and comfortable with having sex and discussing it amongst my friends. They were all prudes and I wasn’t (just kidding lol). So with that title, I felt like I could live my dream and make some money. So, I made a blog. My very first blog was called Sista Gyrl Talk.

Sista Gyrl Talk was a site for women to go to and read about different topics, topics often discussed between my friends and I. These topics ranged from sex positions, taboo acts, to women being empowered and being comfortable with having sex and enjoying it. The purpose was for women to no longer just allow men to have pleasure, but for them to demand they receive pleasure as well. But, Sista Gyrl Talk turned into me joining forces with an old friend of mine and starting a business to sell sex toys. Exit Sista Gyrl Talk and enter Urban Sweetz.

With Urban Sweetz, I took my blog to actual homes. We threw parties where we would have women come and we would discuss sex toys, positions, acts, as well as, teach women about their anatomy. Sadly, I had a lot of women in those parties that did not know what an orgasm was or where their clitoris was located. A lot of women, unfortunately, felt that it was the man’s job to know where everything was and to make sure they experienced an orgasm (SMH). With Urban Sweetz, we empowered and taught a lot of women that it was their own job to know and teach a man how they wanted to be pleased and satisfied. We also taught them to be confident and comfortable while having sex. I even wrote a novel, that everyone calls an erotica (it wasn’t meant to be erotica), two actually, named after the company, and have received awesome reviews. Check them out on Amazon, lol. Moreover, me and my friend had a falling out (insert sad face) and Urban Sweetz was no more. I chose to start my own company, and had great success, called Erotixxx Indulgences; yet, keeping up with the inventory became too much so I began working with Pure Romance. Pure Romance was great as well, but I was led on this spiritual journey and selling sex toys got moved to the back burner. I still have some toys left if anyone needs anything, (I am just putting that out there, lol).

While on my spiritual journey, I started learning about self love, confidence, and being empowered in other ways, besides sexually. And from my experiences and conversations with friends, I knew other woman needed that type of knowledge. Thus, Queen Vibes was formed. With Queen Vibes, I discussed dating, sex, self worth, and confidence. I wanted women to demand respect and carry themselves with respect. I spoke about my dating experiences and how there were lots of times I did not have confidence and my self esteem was low. Not only that, I made natural deodorant, that people loved, but I soon learned that I was not into selling products, lol. Nonetheless, I was still on my journey, and eventually, I grew more and began to realize it was deeper than that. As I healed and grew from my experiences from childhood to now, I saw that it wasn’t that easy for women to just become that way, because there were deeper issues that needed to be worked on. Not only that, I felt like it was more to it than just being a Queen. So I let Queen Vibes die, and rebirthed Spiritually Bri!

Spiritually Bri is who and where I am supposed to be. Spiritually Bri is all about healing, growing, understanding, confidence, and empowerment, in all aspects of life! Spiritually Bri is all about being multi-dimensional and not just being put in a box( you can do yoga and pole dance classes; and like Lauryn Hill and City Girls, I’m just saying). Spiritually Bri is about comforting and embracing who you are and making it work for your best interests. Spiritually Bri is about being a survivor who has power over your own life and not being someone’s victim.

Furthermore, Spiritually Bri would not be here had I not traveled a crazy road and dibbled and dabbled into so many lanes. I say this to say, don’t be afraid to change and try different things. Change is about experiences and growing. Not only that, but how are you supposed to find your passion if you are not taking on different experiences. Don’t get caught up in living your life the way society and social media tells you to. So many people are miserable because they feel they are behind, or because they are living their life for others. You are not supposed to be miserable. You are supposed to love and enjoy life!

At the end of the day, you have to live your life for you. As long as you are not hurting yourself or others, go live your life and do what makes you feel good. Shoot, I have had so many different jobs, while searching for what truly makes me happy. I have had to start over so many times, and at 36 years old, I don’t regret any part of it.

I hope this inspired you! Peace, Love, and Happiness (insert a heart and kissy face).

4 thoughts on “Take Chances to find your Passion!

  1. Blown away!! Two in one day! Thanks for the inspiration Britney 🙂


  2. Shabrawna Rabon April 17, 2020 — 3:09 am

    Your stories are always motivating to keep going, keep striving to be your true self.


  3. You’ve been all over the place! And I love it, how else do you find your passion without being all over the place? It’s impossible, and it’s so important that we teach and encourage those coming after us to do the same. I want my daughter to explore life, experience the ups and downs, grow from it and know that it is not frowned upon to flit all over the place as you find your place in this world.


  4. Man the universe knows what they doing when they put certain people in your life and you and everything to me and I appreciate you not only and greatful our paths crossed because your a beautiful soul and you light is bright ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨


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